Real Life, Real Solutions: Our ADHD Family’s Practical Guide

We’re managing family life with an ADHD parent, grandparent, and child. When I married my husband, I didn’t anticipate how much ADHD would shape our family dynamic. It’s been a surprising journey, one that has challenged us to rethink how we organize our daily lives, manage routines, and support each other through the ups and downs of ADHD. I’ll share honest, practical tips or products that have helped our family navigate the daily chaos. Some things worked for us. Some didn’t. Take what works for you and yours and leave behind the rest.

Everything we write about is because we genuinely believe in it and have found it useful for our family. We do sometimes integrate affiliated links. We share this with no expectation of compensation—it’s simply a bonus. So if you find any of this helpful, use the links below to purchase any of our suggestions.

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Morning Help

DIY Get Ready Chart
Organizing & Categorizing (with a bit Marie Kondo Philosophy)
Blame it on the timer!
It’s not mommy, it’s the timer.

Bedtime Help

How we had to “MacGyver” Our Hanging Swing
Compression Sheet for the bed…mixed feelings.
Moshi Music App and other sound machines

Kitchen Time Savers

The Apple Slicer my husband says he can’t live without.
Crockpot Cooking. Set it and forget it.
Electronic Hot Water Maker. Some were a bust!

Seniors with ADHD

Wearable Organization
ADHD-friendly home organization for adults
Cancel Noise Distractions.

Sensory Seeker

What Our Sensory Seeker Loves

How we had to “MacGyver” our hanging swing…
The chewies we use.
Crash Pads and and stuff around house…

Bath Time Help

How we had to “MacGyver” Our Hanging Swing
The things we call “Chewies”
What Our Sensory Seeker Loves (or doesn’t!)

& Herbs We Use

There are so many good ones out there. This is what works for us.

Gummy Omega’s
Cold and Flu Season
Keep Calm and Carry on.

Gift Guide

Ideas for all family members

The magnetic trinket that everyone fights over.
The things we call “Chewies”
What Our Sensory Seeker Loves (or doesn’t!)
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